Thursday, June 5, 2014

Fringeworks / Grimm And Grimmer Update

Buried in other pages on this site is a list of stories I've submitted. One of those was The Fisherman and His Wife, a remake of the Grimm's fairy tale by the same name. It is to be published in Fringework's Grimm & Grimmer Volume IV. I hadn't heard anything from them in a while, so I was pleased when an e-mail appeared in my mailbox with an update.

To make a long story short (no pun intended), Theresa Derwin, the original editor, has had health problems and a large work load, so another editor, Colin Fisher, has been brought in to help.

From Colin Fisher on June 3, 2014

Dear All,

I just wanted to update you on the current status of Grimm and Grimmer, and the stories that you have all contributed to the series.

As some of you may be aware, Theresa has been suffering from serious ongoing health problems which have had an adverse effect on her ability to undertake her substantial workload. This, coupled with reviewing, blogging, managing her own site AND the necessity for her to take KnightWatch Press in a new direction, has forced her (with great reluctance) to relinquish the editing of the remaining volumes.

Therefore, in order to avoid further delays to the project, Theresa has kindly asked me to step in and complete the editing process, and I have been delighted to accept. To this end I will make an immediate start on reading through your stories, a task which I anticipate will be both fun and exciting!

As Theresa has already allocated the story split between Vols 3, 4, and 5, I'll be taking these in order and beginning work with those that need to see the light of day first. Over the next few weeks I'll be contacting the relevant authors directly. However, should anyone have any comments / questions or just generally want to find out what's going on, please don't hesitate to get in touch and I shall do my best to help.


At least I know they haven't forgotten me and some progress is being made!

© 2012-2014 K. R. Smith All rights reserved

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