Saturday, March 29, 2014

FSF Challenge - Companion

Lillie McFerrin Writes
This week's writing challenge from
Five Sentence Fiction
Lillie McFerrin Writes ) is based upon the prompt:


What it’s all about: Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week Lillie posts one word for inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word.

The Bottle

Image "Bottle" by Zole4 courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.Net

Beside the bed,
Upon a stand,
A bottle and a note
Spoke to sorrows
And of pain
With every word he wrote.

She held his hand,
His dying hand,
Softly in her own,
And felt the life
Within it pass,
Leaving her alone.

She crossed his arms 
Upon his now still breast,
Then laid herself 
Down next to him,
Next to him to rest.

In grief, 
The bottle called to her,
Glowing in the light,
And when it touched 
Against her lips
Her eyes closed to this life. 

I wish to think 
She found her love
Upon that distant shore,
Then took his hand
And shared a kiss,
Companions evermore.

                                        K. R. Smith

Image "Bottle" courtesy of Zole4 /

© 2012-2014 K. R. Smith All rights reserved

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

FSF Challenge - Ruins

Lillie McFerrin Writes
This week's writing challenge from
Five Sentence Fiction
Lillie McFerrin Writes ) is based upon the prompt:


What it’s all about: Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week Lillie posts one word for inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word.

Respect for a Lady

Image source:

     It was an unexpected find—there weren't supposed to be any ancient civilizations capable of such stonework anywhere near the area, yet here he stood, awestruck by their great buildings, one of which held an intricately carved tomb. If the depiction on the lid was accurate, it contained a woman of high rank and of great beauty. He considered the ramifications of making his discovery public; the site would soon be swarming with archaeologists, tourists, and, perhaps, the occasional looter. The thoughts of her final resting place being disturbed, of her being handled, sampled, and displayed, seemed entirely inappropriate. Before he turned to leave forever, he whispered, "This is for you, Princess."

Image source:

The horror anthology,
includes my poem,
The Ballad of Drunken Jack.
Available on Amazon for Kindle or in paperback.
The zombie anthology,
Haiku of the Dead
by Dreamscape Press,
includes my poem,
Hunting Season.
Available on Amazon in paperback.

Writers! Share the best blog post, story, or poem you've written in 2013 here: Best of 2013

© 2012-2014 K. R. Smith All rights reserved

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Terri Deno - Unfolding Life

Terri Deno's book of haiku, Unfolding Life, is now available for Kindle on Amazon.

I have a special interest in this book as I worked with Terri on the cover and did a few illustrations for her. It made me realize how much I've missed doing any sort of artwork—and also how much my skills have deteriorated since I last picked up a pencil to draw! I am ever so thankful for erasers...

From Amazon:
The ancient art of the Japanese haiku has been embraced by the world for centuries. Today's modern take on the traditional form can make a reader think, feel, and see the things in this world that are sometimes hard to describe—even more difficult if it's limited to just seventeen syllables.

Unfolding Life is the debut haiku collection from Terri Deno. From nature and the tangible to time and the intangible, a wide variety of topics are explored in this ancient verse. This collection also includes artwork from KR Smith


© 2012-2014 K. R. Smith All rights reserved

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

FSF Challenge - Furious

Lillie McFerrin Writes
This week's writing challenge from
Five Sentence Fiction
Lillie McFerrin Writes ) is based upon the prompt:


What it’s all about: Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week Lillie posts one word for inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word.

A pun a day keeps the editor at bay...

Mad Cat

Image "Siberian Cat" courtesy of Willem Siers at

     "I'm sorry, Debbie," said the teacher to the young student, "but I don't understand the story you wrote for your homework assignment. Why was your cat mad?"
     The child looked up at the teacher, her eyes squinting, and replied, "My cat wasn't mad."
     "But you said he was furious—which I must admit, is a very, very big word for a child your age."
     "Well, he's very, very hairy!"

Sorry... so terribly sorry...

  Words: 69
  Characters: 307
  Sentences: 5 (of course! ...via the liberal use of the em dash.)
  Words per sentence: 13.8

Image "Siberian Cat" courtesy of Willem Siersi /

The horror anthology,
includes my poem,
The Ballad of Drunken Jack.
Available on Amazon for Kindle or in paperback.
The zombie anthology,
Haiku of the Dead
by Dreamscape Press,
includes my poem,
Hunting Season.
Available on Amazon in paperback.

Writers! Share the best blog post, story, or poem you've written in 2013 here: Best of 2013

© 2012-2014 K. R. Smith All rights reserved

Monday, March 10, 2014

Terri Deno's Haiku Book

Terri Deno is almost ready to release her haiku collection titled Unfolding Life. Here's the cover! I'll have more updates here, and you can always check out her blog and Google+ pages!

© 2012-2014 K. R. Smith All rights reserved